If you are on Facebook, be sure to follow our district page as well as your children's school page(s) to receive updated information. (Sonoma Heights and French Ford Middle School have new pages to follow.)
Humboldt County School District - https://www.facebook.com/HumboldtCountySchoolDistrict/
Lowry High School - https://www.facebook.com/lowryhighschool/
Winnemucca Junior High School - https://www.facebook.com/winnemuccajunior/
French Ford Middle School (New page) - https://www.facebook.com/French-Ford-Middle-School-100791284665036/
Grass Valley Elementary School - https://www.facebook.com/grass...
Sonoma Heights Elementary School (New page) - https://www.facebook.com/sonomaheightselementary/
Winnemucca Grammar School - https://www.facebook.com/WinnemuccaGrammar/
McDermitt Combined School - https://www.facebook.com/McDermitt-Combined-School-355267781340435/