Lowry Pride 2020 - Our staff misses our students and sends them well wishes.
almost 5 years ago, Lowry High School
Image of staff
Nevada Outdoor School's ethics letter to the community.
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
FCAA Food distribution information
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Sleep is one of the functions that can affect our overall health. From the time we are born, we need a regular amount of sleep to help us in functioning well and effectively in our daily lives. Adults need consistent sleep, teens and children need it, and babies have it down to a science. In this short article, Mrs. Wirthlin will share some ways that you can make sure your children are getting enough quality sleep during this pandemic and beyond.
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
If you haven't filled out your #2020Census, do it now! 😃 If you have, remind your friends and neighbors to do the same! Half of NV still hasn't completed it, and our state deserves our fair share of federal funding. @NVCensus2020 census.nv.gov
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
FFMS staff #strongertogether Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week at a distance! #hcsdnv #hcsdnvstrong
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
LHS Class of 2020: Check Out and Graduation Plan
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
While we have so many unknowns regarding our state's economy and budget, there is one thing you can do to help us get federal funding. It takes 5 minutes to get $20,000 per person over the next 10 years. Have a family of 5? That's $100,000 to our state! Half of Nevada has completed the census. Half! Let's get everyone to do it and get federal money we need for our economy. Online (census.nv.gov) | Phone (844) 330.2020) @NVCensus2020 #BeCountedAtHomeNV
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Governor Sisolak Announces School Closure and Continuation of Distance Learning - This evening, Governor Sisolak announced during his press conference that schools will remain closed and operate under Distance Learning for the remainder of the current school year. Given this new directive, district and school site administration will begin outlining next steps regarding the continuation of Distance Learning, the provision of meals, impacts on graduation ceremonies and planning associated with such, and transitioning into summer cleaning and construction projects. I would like to express my personal appreciation for each of out staff members as the work to support distance learning. Please be reminded that though school sites will remain closed the rest of the scheduled school year, we will continue to be open and fully engaged in instruction, teaching and learning. Fortunately, our Distance Learning will meet required "instructional days" and we will not be required to make up the days under school closure. As a district, we are exploring options for summer instruction, within the parameters allowed under the pandemic to provide extended learning opportunities for those that would like such opportunities. Thank you to each of you in our community for your support and understanding during this difficult time. Stay safe! Sincerely, Dr. David Jensen Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
We would like to give a shout out to Officer Rick Ponce for helping hand out lunches at Grass Valley School. The kids enjoyed receiving some stickers and buttons from him! Thank you for volunteering your time to make our students happy.
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
K-6 families.....check out the updated message from your child’s counselor with ideas and examples to create and maintain a schedule (and sanity) on school days. https://www.hcsdnv.com/o/hcsd/page/counselor-s-corner--277
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Reminder for tonight! In lieu of honking, we ask that you tune your radios to 92.7 where they will be playing the Lowry Fight Song. PLEASE stay in your vehicles to adhere to social distancing guidelines. This is not a time to gather before, during, or after. No parking allowed. "Be the Light and Never Ever Give up on Your Dreams" campaign. We will turn our LHS Football Field Lights on for 20 minutes on April 17, 2020 at 8:20 PM in support of our 2020 Senior Class, spring sport athletes, coaches, staff, families, and all those on the front lines fighting this invisible enemy.
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Let’s get Humboldt County’s percentage up!! Have you seen the Guinn Center for Policy Priorities's 2020 Census tracker? https://guinncenter.shinyapps.io/2020Census/ How does your county response rate compare? Let's encourage our network to complete the census, and break 50% this week! Complete your census today: 🖥 http://census.nv.gov ☎️ (844) 330.2020 Follow NVCensus2020 for the latest updates.
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Do you know someone with behaviors that make it difficult to participate in school, family life, work, or community activities? PBS Nevada’s “Addressing Challenging Behavior” Workshop is designed to help you in the following areas: * Define and understand the cause of problem behavior. * Identify strategies to decrease problem behavior, improving quality of life. * Teach appropriate behaviors, which enhance quality of life. * Improve the quality of life so that person can be a part of yours. “Our goal is to give you the skills needed to help these individuals and families improve their quality of life.” DATES: Thursday's April 16th, 23rd, 30th, and May 7th, 2020 *THIS IS A 4 SESSION WORKSHOP. YOU MUST PLAN TO ATTEND ALL 4 SESSIONS* *Each session builds on the previous session – you must plan to attend ALL sessions.* *Individual Consultations per session TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. LOCATION: Online (zoom link to join the class will be sent out the night before - April 15th) FEES: FREE Sign up at https://events.unr.edu/event/positive_behavior_support_-_nevada_pbs-nv_virtual_webinar_addressing_challenging_behavior CONTACT: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Christine O'Flaherty christineo@unr.edu or jadge@unr.edu Jessica Adge
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
NEVADA MATTERS. BE COUNTED. Completing your census now means you will not have a federal census worker come to your door in June. 42.8% of Humboldt County households have completed the census 47.8% of Nevada households have completed the census Please SHARE and TAG a few friends below to encourage them to complete their census. Leave a comment if you filled out the census, are going to fill it out, or have questions about it! The census is important, safe and easy. Nevada will earn $20,000 in federal funding over the next ten years for every person who is counted. Responses can only be used for statistical purposes and the questions asked regard basic demographic information. You will not be asked about your finances, social security number, or citizenship status. It takes less than ten minutes, is about ten questions, and you will make an impact for ten years! Complete your census online ([census.nv.gov](http://census.nv.gov/)) or by phone (English: (844) 330.2020; Spanish:(844) 468.2020) today! You DO NOT need a unique census ID to complete the census. Follow @NVCensus2020 for the latest updates!
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
A message from our teachers to their students and families. We are in this together and never stop thinking about all of you. #hcsd #standingstrong
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Lowry High School of Winnemucca, NV is calling upon other Nevada High Schools to participate in the “Be the Light and Never Ever Give up on Your Dreams” campaign. We will turn our LHS Football Field Lights on for 20 minutes on April 17, 2020 at 8:20 PM in support of our 2020 Senior Class, spring sport athletes, coaches, staff, families, and all those on the front lines fighting this invisible enemy. We are inviting our community to drive by and honk in support. PLEASE stay in your vehicles to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
almost 5 years ago, Lowry High School
Website update: We have a new button with drop down options at the top of our website for easy access to resources during the school closure as well as our new counselor's corner for K-6th and 7th-12th grades. The pages will be updated frequently. We hope you find these helpful. https://www.hcsdnv.com/
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District
FCAA Food Distribution on Friday April 17th.
almost 5 years ago, Humboldt County School District