Humboldt County Library's January Calendar
almost 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Humboldt County Library's December Calendar
about 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Humboldt County Library's November calendar
about 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Please read the press release from our Superintendent Dr. Jensen regarding news of positive cases today. HCSD continue to have strong cleaning protocols in place and the safety of our students and staff remain our top priority. Please remember to practice social distancing, wear masks, and stay home if you or a family member are ill.
about 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Here is our annual Title 1 presentation. Thank you for taking the time to view, please remember to sign in at the end of the presentation.
about 4 years ago, Winnemucca Grammar School
Humboldt County Library's October Calendar
about 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Parents! First time getting into Infinite Campus? Let's get started...
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
For students taking food home - here are some important tips for keep your food safe, especially on the weekends.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Update: We are now able to offer free breakfast and/or lunch for all students and children ages 0-18 through December 31st. Please call Nutrition Services at 623-8109 if you have questions about ordering or pick up times and locations.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Meal Service 2020
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
In the attached video, Dr. Jensen discusses the process in developing the reopening plans as well as the the decisions made at the July 28th board meeting and concludes with next steps. Additional updates will be provided as we prepare for the upcoming school year. Thank you for your ongoing support.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Our IDEA staff is receiving and processing all of the applications and getting organized for the upcoming school year. They will be reaching out to families in the next week to schedule an orientation meeting. Please make sure your email is correct in Infinite Campus as that is how they will be reaching out.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Here is our virtual walk through of French Ford Middle School, we will be getting out more information on some upcoming opportunities soon.
over 4 years ago, French Ford Middle School
HCSD Preschool Program Update
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Parents of Kindergarten - 6th grade students. We would appreciate you completing this survey for us regarding the upcoming school year. We apologize for a previous survey sent out before it was ready.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Parents of students in Kindergarten - 6th grade, please complete this survey as soon as possible.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
The census is safe, easy and important. It takes less than 10 minutes to fill out (online:; by phone: Eng: 844.330.2020/ Spanish: (844) 468.2020; or by mail) and ensures our community and state receive our fair share of federal funding ($20,000 per Nevadan)! The Census form WILL NOT ask for info such as a resident’s social security number, citizenship status, credit card or bank information, donations, political party affiliation or anything regarding the 2020 election.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
The census is important, safe, and easy. It takes less than 10 minutes to fill out (online:; by phone: Eng: 844.330.2020/ Spanish: (844) 468.2020; or by mail) and ensures our community and state receive our fair share of federal funding! Every Nevadan who is counted earns our state $20,000 federal funding over the next ten years. This helps our state receive funding for health care services, education, roads, etc. Let’s keep federal funds in Nevada!
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
HCSD’s update on the current status of the 20-21 Re-Opening Committee work. You can use the link below to read the letter or read it through the attached pictures. It has also been sent out via Peachjar if you have an active email address with an HCSD school. We will continue to provide updates as new information is released. The plan will be presented to the HCSD Board of Trustees on July 28th.…/1ULN9vgZec6lmuRf5BsFSunhQ3…/view… HCSD would like to thank the 25 or so members that comprise the committee with representation from staff, community, and parents who are working hard to develop a plan based on the governor's directives and state guidance. This update will also be placed on our district and school websites. #hcsdnv Please share.
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District
Letter page 2
HCSD Releases Parent/Guardian Survey Regarding Distance Learning and School Reopening - As we begin planning for the fall of 2020, HCSD and the reopening committee are seeking parent and guardian input regarding the mandatory closure during 4th quarter of last school year, and thoughts about reopening this fall. The link is as follows: Your responses are confidential and will help our planning for this fall. The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please share with parents/guardians of our students. Thanks to each of you!
over 4 years ago, Humboldt County School District