Dear Parents/Guardians and Community Members:
As part of the American Recovery Plan, the Humboldt County School District has received a significant amount of funding aimed at addressing the following impacts due to the Covid-19 pandemic:
Investing in resources to ensure in person learning, and safety of students, staff, and educators
Addressing learning loss through the provision of sufficient staffing
Implementing strategies to meet the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of those hit hardest by the pandemic
Funding summer, after school, and other extended learning and enrichment programs
Hiring additional school personal to keep students safe and healthy
Providing for social distancing on busses
Funding for WiFi and hotspots to create connectivity capacity
The Humboldt County School District needs your feedback as we build our strategic plan to address these highlighted areas. Specifically we are seeking your input on the highest priorities for the children of our communities. We hope to gain from your experience and thoughts regarding settings that make it easiest for you to access educational delivery, and strategies that you have observed to be effective at supporting our children. HCSD is open to your ideas, feedback, and innovation as we work together to ensure that we meet the unique needs of each student you have entrusted us with.. Please provide feedback in one of the following three forums:
Email comments to the following form no later than noon on July 30th
Provide feedback in person at the Lowry High Auditorium on Tuesday July 27th, at 6:00 pm
Join our virtual meeting on Friday July 23rd @ 10:00 am by accessing the following link ARP Stakeholder Meeting Link
Colby Corbitt
Director of Student Services